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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'mysqli_sql_exception' with message 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1' in /home2/biz/www/_common/db_class.php:35 Stack trace: #0 /home2/biz/www/_common/db_class.php(35): mysqli->query(' Update NARO_JO...') #1 /home2/biz/www/2016/_inc_bbs/inc_job_bbs_view.php(15): CDB->fnExecSql(' Update NARO_JO...') #2 /home2/biz/www/2016/sub09/sub09_0104_view.php(57): include('/home2/biz/www/...') #3 {main} thrown in /home2/biz/www/_common/db_class.php on line 35