상세전공 |
인사조직 |
전공분야 |
Organizational Behavior |
학력 |
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 경영학박사 서울대학교 경영학석사 서울대학교 경제학사 |
경력/활동 |
[경력] 교수, 중앙대학교 경영학부, 2024~ 부교수, 중앙대학교 경영학부, 2021~2023 부교수, KAIST 경영대학, 2019~2020 조교수, KAIST 경영대학, 2011~2019 [수상] Best Reviewer Award, 인사조직연구, 2023 CAU Teaching Excellence Award, 중앙대학교, 2023 Best Paper Award, 인적자원개발연구, 2019 Award for Excellence in Education, KAIST 경영대학, 2019 Winner of the Best Paper Competition, LERA/ILR Review Special Series in Employment Relations, 2018 4th Prize at the 6th Boston International Piano Competition, 2011 Special Award for Best Performance of Modern Work at the 6th Boston International Piano Competition, 2011 Ragnar and Margaret Naess Award for Exceptional Talent and Commitment to Piano Performance, Music and Theater Arts, MIT, 2010, 2011 Emerson Music Scholarship, Music and Theater Arts, MIT, 2008~2011 Best Paper Proceedings, Awarded by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management, 2010 삼성장학금, 2005~2009 [활동] 한국윤리경영학회 수석상임이사/사무국장 한국인사조직학회 이사 인사조직연구 편집위원 윤리경영연구 편집위원 The Review Committee of the 2020 HR Division Scholarly Achievement Award, Academy of Management |
논문 |
저서 |
기타 |