
International Exchange Activities of Students and Faculties by Exchange Programs
The Division of International Cooperation(DIC) develops, promotes, and supports international exchange activities of the University by maintaining links with a number of universities and colleges of the world. The activities include mutual cooperation in research, academic conferences, seminars, and the reciprocal exchange of students, and faculty members through exchange programs. The DIC provides a range of year-round services to assist in-country students and faculty members with opportunities for study, teaching, and research abroad through linkages with overseas institutions.

If you are interested in studying business courses at Chung-Ang University, Please contact our International Office :

Coordinator for International Exchanges
International Office
Tel : 82 - 2 - 820 - 6124
Fax: 82 - 2 - 813 - 8069
E-mail : interedu@cau.ac.kr
http://dic.cau.ac.kr or http://biz.cau.ac.kr/eng/

List of Selected Partner Universities Around the World
Country Parter University Website
Netherland Erasmus University Rotterdam http://www.eur.nl/english/
Netherland Hanze University of Applied Sciences http://www.hanze.nl/home/International
Netherland HZ University of Applied Sciences http://hz.nl/
Norway Norwegian University of Science&Technology http://www.ntnu.no/english
Denmark Roskilde University http://www.ruc.dk/en/
Denmark University of Southern Denmark http://www.sdu.dk/
Germany University of Osnabruck
Germany University of Music Detmold http://www.hfm-detmold.de/
Germany University of Jena
Germany University of Duisburg-Essen http://www.strassen.nrw.de/projekte/tunnelsicherheit/
Germany University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Germany University of Applied Science Bielefeld http://www.fh-bielefeld.de/en
Germany Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz http://www.uni-mainz.de/eng/
Germany University of Music Detmold http://www-en.htw-berlin.de
Germany University of Music Detmold http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/english/index.html
Germany Cooperative State University Mosbach http://www.dhbw-mosbach.de
Germany Cologne Business School http://www.cbs-edu.de/
Germany Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza University http://www.uaic.ro/
Lithuania Siauliai University http://www.su.lt/en
Lithuania Vilnius University http://www.vu.lt/en/
Liechtenstein University of Liechtenstein http://www.hochschule.li/
Belgium ICHEC Brussels Management School http://www.ichec.be
Sweden Halmstad University http://www.hh.se/english.5_en.html
Sweden Linnaeus University, Vaxjo http://vxu.se/english/
Sweden Umea University
Sweden Uppsala University
Switzerland University of Basel http://www.unibas.ch/
Switzerland Zurich University of Applied Sciences http://www.zhaw.ch/en.html
Spain Autonomous University of Barcelona
Spain University of Jaen http://www.ujaen.es/
Spain University of Mondragon
Slovakia Technical University In Zvolen http://www.tuzvo.sk/
Switzerland University of Zilina http://www.utc.sk/menu/inc.asp?ver=en
Slovenia University of Ljubljana http://www.uni-lj.si/en/
Ireland Institute of Technology Carlow http://www.itcarlow.ie/
Ireland Waterford Institute of Technology http://www.le.ac.uk/
Estonia University of Tartu
England Nottingham Trent University http://www.ntu.ac.uk/
England Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University
England University College London
England University of Hull http://www.hull.ac.uk/
England University of Leeds http://www.leeds.ac.uk/
England University of Leicester http://www2.le.ac.uk/
England University of London, Goldsmiths
England University of Manchester http://www.manchester.ac.uk/
England University of Sheffield http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/
England University of Sussex http://www.sussex.ac.uk/
England University of Wales, New Port http://www3.newport.ac.uk/
England University of York http://www.york.ac.uk/
Austria Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Austria University of Applied Sciences Bfi Vienna http://fh.studyguide.at/W/15/
Austria University of Klagenfurt http://dia.uni-klu.ac.at/univ_e.htm
Italy Accademia Italiana http://www.accademiaitaliana.com/
Czech Music & Dance Faculty of the Academy of performing http://en.vsb.cz/
Czech VSB-Technical University http://www.sussex.ac.uk/
Portugal ISCTE Business School http://iscte.pt/
Poland Cracow University of Economics http://bpz.ae.krakow.pl/
Poland Cracow University of Technology http://www.bwm.pk.edu.pl/index_en.php
Poland The Polish National Film,Television & Theatre School http://www.lodz-online.eu
France European Institute of Technology(EPITECH) http://www.epitech.eu/
France ISCTE Business School http://www.esc-chambery.com/
France Groupe ESC Troyes http://www.groupe-esc-troyes.com/
France ICN Business School http://www.icn-groupe.fr/spip.php?article501
France ISC Paris School of Management http://www.iscparis.com/
France Lumiere University Lyon 2 http://www.univ-lyon2.fr/
France Novancia University
France Paris West University Nanterre La Defense
France Science Po Lille
France The American Business School, IGS University http://www.absparis.org/
Finland Helsinki School
Finland Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences http://www.mamk.fi/
Finland Savonia University of Applied Sciences http://portal.savonia.fi/amk/english
Finland University of Turku http://www.utu.fi/en/
Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest http://www.utu.fi/en/
Hungary Hungarian University of Find Arts
Hungary The University of Szeged http://www.szote.u-szeged.hu/angoltit/