International Exchange Activities of Students and Faculties by Exchange Programs
The Division of International Cooperation(DIC) develops, promotes, and supports international exchange activities of the University by maintaining links with a number of universities and colleges of the world. The activities include mutual cooperation in research, academic conferences, seminars, and the reciprocal exchange of students, and faculty members through exchange programs. The DIC provides a range of year-round services to assist in-country students and faculty members with opportunities for study, teaching, and research abroad through linkages with overseas institutions.
If you are interested in studying business courses at Chung-Ang University, Please contact our International Office :
If you are interested in studying business courses at Chung-Ang University, Please contact our International Office :
Coordinator for International Exchanges
International Office
Tel : 82 - 2 - 820 - 6124
Fax: 82 - 2 - 813 - 8069
E-mail : interedu@cau.ac.kr
http://dic.cau.ac.kr or http://biz.cau.ac.kr/eng/
List of Selected Partner Universities Around the World
Country | Parter University | Website |
USA | Alabama State University | http://www.alasu.edu/ |
USA | Alaska Methodist University | http://www.alsap.org/AMU/AMU.htm |
USA | Alaska Pacific University | http://www.alaskapacific.edu |
USA | American University | http://www.american.edu |
USA | Angelo State University | http://www.angelo.edu |
USA | Ball State University | http://cms.bsu.edu |
USA | Brookhaven College | http://www.brookhavencollege.edu |
USA | California Institute of the Arts | http://calarts.edu |
USA | California State University, Chico | http://www.csuchico.edu |
USA | California State University, East Bay | http://www20.csueastbay.edu |
USA | California State University, Fullerton | http://www.fullerton.edu/ |
USA | California State University, SSacramento | http://www.csus.edu/ |
USA | California State University, San Bernardino | http://economics.csusb.edu |
USA | California State University, San Marcos | http://www.csusm.edu |
USA | Campbellsville University | http://www.campbellsville.edu |
USA | Cental Washington University | http://www.cwu.edu |
USA | Cleveland State University | http://www.csuohio.edu |
USA | Columbia College | http://www.colum.edu |
USA | Findlay College | http://www.findlay.edu |
USA | George Mason University | http://www.gmu.edu |
USA | George Washington University | http://www.gwu.edu |
USA | Georgia Southern University | |
USA | Hawaii Pacific University | http://www.hpu.edu |
USA | Illinois Institute of Technology | http://www.iit.edu |
USA | Johns Hopkins University | http://www.jhu.edu |
USA | Minnesota State University, Moorhead | http://www.mnstate.edu |
USA | Monterey Institute of International Studies | http://www.miis.edu |
USA | North Dakota State University | http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu |
USA | Oklahoma State University | http://osu.okstate.edu |
USA | Pacific Lutheran University | |
USA | San Diego State University | http://www.sdsu.edu |
USA | San Francisco State University | http://www.sfsu.edu |
USA | South Dakota State University | http://www3.sdstate.edu |
USA | Southern Utah University | |
USA | Southwest State University | http://www.smsu.edu |
USA | State University of New York, Oneonta | |
USA | State University of New York, Plattsburgh | |
USA | State University of New York, Stony Brook | http://www.stonybrook.edu/ |
USA | Temple University | http://www.temple.edu/ |
USA | Tennessee Technological University | http://www.tntech.edu/ |
USA | Towson University | http://www.towson.edu/ |
USA | University of California, Berkeley | http://berkeley.edu |
USA | University of California, Davis | http://www.ucdavis.edu |
USA | University of California, Irvine | http://www.uci.edu |
USA | University of California, Los Angeles | http://www.ucla.edu |
USA | University of Hawaii, Hilo | http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu |
USA | University of Hawaii, Manoa | |
USA | The University of Iowa | http://www.uiowa.edu |
USA | University of Kentucky | http://www.pa.uky.edu |
USA | University of Michigan, Ann Harbor | http://www.umich.edu |
USA | University of Minnesota, Duluth | http://www.d.umn.edu |
USA | University of Montana | http://www.umt.edu |
USA | University of Nebraska, Kearney | http://www.unk.edu |
USA | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | http://www.unc.edu |
USA | University of Pittsburgh | http://www.pitt.edu |
USA | University of Southern California | http://www.usc.edu |
USA | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | http://www.utk.edu |
USA | University of Texas, Austin | http://www.utexas.edu |
USA | University of Utah | http://www.utah.edu |
USA | University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee | |
USA | Utah State University | |
USA | Washington State University | |
USA | Winona State University | http://www.winona.edu |
Canada | Ryerson University | http://www.ryerson.ca/index.html |
Canada | University of Alberta | http://www.ualberta.ca |
Canada | University of Ottawa | http://www.uottawa.ca |
Canada | Vancouver Island University | http://www.viu.ca |